Issue 16, 2015

Recent developments in superhydrophobic graphene and graphene-related materials: from preparation to potential applications


In the past decade, graphene has revealed a cornucopia of both fundamental science and potential applications due to its exceptional electrical, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties. Recently, increasing effort has been devoted to exploiting its new features, for example, wetting properties. Benefitting from its inherent material properties, graphene shows great potential for the fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces, which could be potentially used for various anti-water applications. In this review, we summarize the recent developments in superhydrophobic graphene and graphene-related materials. Preparation strategies using pure graphene, graphene oxide, and graphene/polymer hybrids are presented and their potential applications are discussed. Finally, our own perspective of this dynamic field, including both current challenges and future demands, has been discussed. It is anticipated that the cooperation of the numerous merits of graphene and superhydrophobicity will lead to new opportunities for high-performance multifunctional devices.

Graphical abstract: Recent developments in superhydrophobic graphene and graphene-related materials: from preparation to potential applications

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
31 Jan 2015
10 Mar 2015
First published
12 Mar 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 7101-7114

Recent developments in superhydrophobic graphene and graphene-related materials: from preparation to potential applications

J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Zheng, L. P. Lee and H. Sun, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 7101 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR00719D

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