Issue 15, 2015

Microalgae on display: a microfluidic pixel-based irradiance assay for photosynthetic growth


Microalgal biofuel is an emerging sustainable energy resource. Photosynthetic growth is heavily dependent on irradiance, therefore photobioreactor design optimization requires comprehensive screening of irradiance variables, such as intensity, time variance and spectral composition. Here we present a microfluidic irradiance assay which leverages liquid crystal display technology to provide multiplexed screening of irradiance conditions on growth. An array of 238 microreactors are operated in parallel with identical chemical environments. The approach is demonstrated by performing three irradiance assays. The first assay evaluates the effect of intensity on growth, quantifying saturating intensity. The second assay quantifies the influence of time-varied intensity and the threshold frequency for growth. Lastly, the coupled influence of red-blue spectral composition and intensity is assessed. Each multiplexed assay is completed within three days. In contrast, completing the same number of experiments using conventional incubation flasks would require several years. Not only does our approach enable more rapid screening, but the short optical path avoids self-shading issues inherent to flask based systems.

Graphical abstract: Microalgae on display: a microfluidic pixel-based irradiance assay for photosynthetic growth

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Article information

Article type
08 May 2015
10 Jun 2015
First published
10 Jun 2015

Lab Chip, 2015,15, 3116-3124

Microalgae on display: a microfluidic pixel-based irradiance assay for photosynthetic growth

P. J. Graham, J. Riordon and D. Sinton, Lab Chip, 2015, 15, 3116 DOI: 10.1039/C5LC00527B

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