Volume 178, 2015

Unfolding the contents of sub-nm plasmonic gaps using normalising plasmon resonance spectroscopy


Plasmonic coupling of gold nanoparticles to a gold surface creates intense plasmonic hot spots with large electromagnetic field-enhancements within the cavity formed by the two metallic surfaces. The localised field in such structures is extremely sensitive to morphological fluctuations and subtle changes in the dielectric properties of the cavity contents. Here, we present an optical method that pins down the properties of the gap contents with high sensitivity, termed normalising plasmon resonance (NPR) spectroscopy. We use this on a variety of ultrathin molecular spacers such as filled and empty cucurbiturils, and graphene. Clear differences in the spectral positions and intensities of plasmonic modes observed in the scattering spectrum resolve thickness differences of 0.1 nm, and refractive index changes from molecular filling.

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Article type
06 Oct 2014
14 Nov 2014
First published
14 Nov 2014

Faraday Discuss., 2015,178, 185-193

Author version available

Unfolding the contents of sub-nm plasmonic gaps using normalising plasmon resonance spectroscopy

B. de Nijs, R. W. Bowman, L. O. Herrmann, F. Benz, S. J. Barrow, J. Mertens, D. O. Sigle, R. Chikkaraddy, A. Eiden, A. Ferrari, O. A. Scherman and J. J. Baumberg, Faraday Discuss., 2015, 178, 185 DOI: 10.1039/C4FD00195H

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