Issue 8, 2015

Abnormal crystal growth in CH3NH3PbI3−xClx using a multi-cycle solution coating process


Recently, the efficiency of organolead trihalide perovskite solar cells has improved greatly because of improved material qualities with longer carrier diffusion lengths. Mixing chlorine in the precursor for mixed halide films has been reported to dramatically enhance the diffusion lengths of mixed halide perovskite films, mainly as a result of a much longer carrier recombination lifetime. Here we report that adding Cl containing precursor for mixed halide perovskite formation can induce the abnormal grain growth behavior that yields well-oriented grains accompanied by the appearance of some very large size grains. The abnormal grain growth becomes prominent only after multi-cycle coating of MAI : MACl blend precursor. The large grain size is found mainly to contribute to a longer carrier charge recombination lifetime, and thus increases the device efficiency to 18.9%, but without significantly impacting the carrier transport property. The strong correlation identified between material process and morphology provides guidelines for future material optimization and device efficiency enhancement.

Graphical abstract: Abnormal crystal growth in CH3NH3PbI3−xClx using a multi-cycle solution coating process

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Apr 2015
23 Jun 2015
First published
23 Jun 2015

Energy Environ. Sci., 2015,8, 2464-2470

Author version available

Abnormal crystal growth in CH3NH3PbI3−xClx using a multi-cycle solution coating process

Q. Dong, Y. Yuan, Y. Shao, Y. Fang, Q. Wang and J. Huang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2015, 8, 2464 DOI: 10.1039/C5EE01179E

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