Issue 46, 2015

Isolation and structural characterization of a mainly ligand-based dimetallic radical


A radical cation of ruthenium was isolated and structurally characterized. The EPR spectrum and theoretical calculations indicate that the spin density mainly resides on ligands. The X-ray structure shows that the change in metal–metal bond lengths is negligible upon one-electron oxidation. sp3 C–H bond activation was observed during the reaction of the parent molecule with the trityl cation, which possibly occurs via an oxidative EC mechanism: a thermodynamically favorable electron-transfer to give the radical cation intermediate, followed by the hydrogen atom abstraction to afford a cationic tetramethylfulvene complex with formation of a metal–carbon bond.

Graphical abstract: Isolation and structural characterization of a mainly ligand-based dimetallic radical

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Article information

Article type
13 Sep 2015
13 Oct 2015
First published
13 Oct 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 19754-19757

Isolation and structural characterization of a mainly ligand-based dimetallic radical

S. Li, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhao and X. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 19754 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT03578C

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