Issue 44, 2015

Directed synthesis of {Cu II2Zn II2} and {Cu II8Zn II8} heterometallic complexes


Two new heterometallic complexes [Cu2Zn2(H4L)2(CH3COO)2Cl2]·2.5CH3OH·0.5H2O (1) and [Cu8Zn8(OH)8(H4L)8](Cl)2(ClO4)6·16H2O (2) have been synthesised following two different preparative routes, by using the polydentate ligand Bis–tris propane (H6L = 2,2′-(propane-1,3-diyldiimino)bis[2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol]). Herein, we describe the synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of 1, a tetramer which forms in the absence of base and 2, a hexadecanuclear complex with a remarkable double-concentric ring structure that forms in the presence of base. Antiferromagnetic coupling between Cu(II) ions is observed in both compounds despite the long distances between paramagnetic metal centres, due to the involvement of diamagnetic Zn(II) ions in the magnetic exchange pathway.

Graphical abstract: Directed synthesis of {CuII2ZnII2} and {CuII8ZnII8} heterometallic complexes

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Article type
28 Aug 2015
12 Oct 2015
First published
14 Oct 2015
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 19275-19281

Directed synthesis of {CuII2ZnII2} and {CuII8ZnII8} heterometallic complexes

M. J. Heras Ojea, C. Wilson, S. J. Coles, F. Tuna and M. Murrie, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 19275 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT03344F

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