Issue 4, 2015

Multi-scale promoting effects of lead for palladium catalyzed aerobic oxidative coupling of methylacrolein with methanol


A highly efficient Pd2Pb8/alumina catalyst was prepared, which provided the highest turnover number (TON) of 302 for aerobic oxidative coupling of methylacrolein with methanol. The enhanced catalytic efficiency could be attributed to the multi-scale (micron, nano and atom scales) promoting effects of the pre-loaded Pb species.

Graphical abstract: Multi-scale promoting effects of lead for palladium catalyzed aerobic oxidative coupling of methylacrolein with methanol

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2014
27 Feb 2015
First published
02 Mar 2015

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2015,5, 2076-2080

Author version available

Multi-scale promoting effects of lead for palladium catalyzed aerobic oxidative coupling of methylacrolein with methanol

J. Han, S. Zhang, Y. Li and R. Yan, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2015, 5, 2076 DOI: 10.1039/C4CY01729C

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