Issue 39, 2015

IR spectrum of the protonated neurotransmitter 2-phenylethylamine: dispersion and anharmonicity of the NH3+–π interaction


The structure and dynamics of the highly flexible side chain of (protonated) phenylethylamino neurotransmitters are essential for their function. The geometric, vibrational, and energetic properties of the protonated neutrotransmitter 2-phenylethylamine (H+PEA) are characterized in the N–H stretch range by infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectroscopy of cold ions using rare gas tagging (Rg = Ne and Ar) and anharmonic calculations at the B3LYP-D3/(aug-)cc-pVTZ level including dispersion corrections. A single folded gauche conformer (G) protonated at the basic amino group and stabilized by an intramolecular NH+–π interaction is observed. The dispersion-corrected density functional theory calculations reveal the important effects of dispersion on the cation–π interaction and the large vibrational anharmonicity of the NH3+ group involved in the NH+–π hydrogen bond. They allow for assigning overtone and combination bands and explain anomalous intensities observed in previous IR multiple-photon dissociation spectra. Comparison with neutral PEA reveals the large effects of protonation on the geometric and electronic structure.

Graphical abstract: IR spectrum of the protonated neurotransmitter 2-phenylethylamine: dispersion and anharmonicity of the NH3+–π interaction

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Article information

Article type
14 Jan 2015
25 Feb 2015
First published
26 Feb 2015

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015,17, 25742-25754

IR spectrum of the protonated neurotransmitter 2-phenylethylamine: dispersion and anharmonicity of the NH3+–π interaction

A. Bouchet, M. Schütz, B. Chiavarino, M. Elisa Crestoni, S. Fornarini and O. Dopfer, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 25742 DOI: 10.1039/C5CP00221D

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