Issue 93, 2015

Feroxyhyte nanoflakes coupled to up-converting carbon nanodots: a highly active, magnetically recoverable, Fenton-like photocatalyst in the visible-NIR range


We demonstrate the enhanced photocatalytic response of a novel Fenton-like heterogeneous catalyst obtained through the assembly of superparamagnetic feroxyhyte nanoflakes synthesized by continuous gas-slug microfluidics and carbon nanodots obtained by pyrolysis from a natural organic source. The novel nanohybrids enable the utilization of the visible and near-infrared ranges due to the active role of the carbon nanodots as up-converting photo-sensitizers. This novel photocatalyst is magnetically recoverable and maintains an excellent response after multiple reutilization cycles. In addition, its synthesis is based on inexpensive and abundant raw materials and its photocatalytic response is evaluated in the presence of energy efficient, affordable light-emitting diodes (LEDs), thereby providing a promising and feasible alternative to the homogeneous Fenton process.

Graphical abstract: Feroxyhyte nanoflakes coupled to up-converting carbon nanodots: a highly active, magnetically recoverable, Fenton-like photocatalyst in the visible-NIR range

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Article information

Article type
30 Jun 2015
18 Sep 2015
First published
21 Sep 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 16625-16628

Feroxyhyte nanoflakes coupled to up-converting carbon nanodots: a highly active, magnetically recoverable, Fenton-like photocatalyst in the visible-NIR range

M. C. Ortega-Liebana, J. L. Hueso, A. Larrea, V. Sebastian and J. Santamaria, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 16625 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC05387K

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