Issue 40, 2015

Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay of proteins based on in situ duple amplification of gold nanoparticle biolabel signals


An electrochemical sandwich immunoassay method that can be sensitive to a few protein molecules (human immunoglobulin G or human prostate-specific antigen) is reported, based on HAuCl4–NH2OH redox reaction to enlarge the size of second antibody labeled gold nanoparticles and in situ microliter-droplet anodic stripping voltammetry analysis with enhanced cathodic preconcentration of gold.

Graphical abstract: Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay of proteins based on in situ duple amplification of gold nanoparticle biolabel signals

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Article information

Article type
16 Feb 2015
09 Apr 2015
First published
10 Apr 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 8540-8543

Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay of proteins based on in situ duple amplification of gold nanoparticle biolabel signals

X. Qin, A. Xu, L. Liu, W. Deng, C. Chen, Y. Tan, Y. Fu, Q. Xie and S. Yao, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 8540 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01439E

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