Issue 43, 2014

Potential of alginate fibers incorporated with drug-loaded nanocapsules as drug delivery systems


A major problem related to the fabrication of drug-loaded fibers by wet spinning is the significant loss of load when the drugs and spinning dopes are directly mixed together. We report a novel method to fabricate drug-loaded alginate fibers by spinning an aqueous mixture containing alginate and alginate nanocapsules incorporated with drugs. The alginate fibers exhibit spotty features of nanocapsules located close to the surface of the fibers. Adsorption experiments demonstrate the superabsorbent properties of the fibers, as well as the dependence of adsorption profiles on salt ionic strength. The adsorption processes of all the fibers are well-described by the pseudo-second-order kinetics model. Drug release tests show that the cumulative release amount increased with an increase in the proportion of nanocapsules present in the fiber. In addition, the burst release behaviors of the fibers incorporated with the nanocapsules were also diminished dramatically. This work suggests that adding nanocapsules containing drugs into the spinning dopes is a promising strategy to fabricate novel drug-loaded fibers for immediate drug delivery for wound dressing.

Graphical abstract: Potential of alginate fibers incorporated with drug-loaded nanocapsules as drug delivery systems

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Aug 2014
17 Sep 2014
First published
22 Sep 2014

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014,2, 7596-7604

Potential of alginate fibers incorporated with drug-loaded nanocapsules as drug delivery systems

L. Liu, L. Jiang, G. K. Xu, C. Ma, X. G. Yang and J. M. Yao, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014, 2, 7596 DOI: 10.1039/C4TB01392A

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