Issue 19, 2014

A high efficiency H2S gas sensor material: paper like Fe2O3/graphene nanosheets and structural alignment dependency of device efficiency


Fe2O3/graphene was synthesized successfully by a super critical CO2-assisted thermal method and further made into paper-like nanosheets by directed-flow, vertical assembly of individual Fe2O3/graphene nanosheets under a controlled magnetic field. Characterization of the samples was carried out by both electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The sensor materials outperform many other paper-like materials for H2S gas detection. In addition, vertically and horizontally aligned nanosheets were used as sensing materials to detect H2S gas along with chemiluminescence measurements. Importantly, the nanoscale Fe2O3/graphene sheets with the vertical arrangement are more beneficial than the nanosheets with the horizontal arrangement in terms of sensitivity.

Graphical abstract: A high efficiency H2S gas sensor material: paper like Fe2O3/graphene nanosheets and structural alignment dependency of device efficiency

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Dec 2013
05 Mar 2014
First published
05 Mar 2014

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 6714-6717

Author version available

A high efficiency H2S gas sensor material: paper like Fe2O3/graphene nanosheets and structural alignment dependency of device efficiency

Z. Jiang, J. Li, H. Aslan, Q. Li, Y. Li, M. Chen, Y. Huang, J. P. Froning, M. Otyepka, R. Zbořil, F. Besenbacher and M. Dong, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 6714 DOI: 10.1039/C3TA15180H

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