Issue 46, 2014

The effect of position of (S)-2-octyloxy tail on the formation of frustrated blue phase and antiferroelectric phase in Schiff base liquid crystals


Two series of chiral salicylaldimine-based liquid crystals which differ from each other in the position of the (S)-2-octyloxy tail have been synthesized and characterized by polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and electrical switching. Compounds OH I (n = 6–7) having (S)-2-octyloxy tail close to the salicylaldimine core and compounds OH II (n = 6–11) having (S)-2-octyloxy tail far from the salicylaldimine core exhibit polymorphism of mesophases including frustrated blue phase and antiferroelectric (SmC*A) phases. Notably, as compared with structurally similar Schiff base compounds H I (n = 7), intramolecular hydrogen bonding in antiferroelectric salicylaldimine-based compounds OH I (n = 7) induces the frustrated blue phase. However, as compared with structurally similar Schiff base compounds OH II (n = 8), the lack of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in Schiff base compounds H II (n = 8) suppresses antiferroelectric properties.

Graphical abstract: The effect of position of (S)-2-octyloxy tail on the formation of frustrated blue phase and antiferroelectric phase in Schiff base liquid crystals

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Aug 2014
03 Oct 2014
First published
06 Oct 2014

Soft Matter, 2014,10, 9343-9351

Author version available

The effect of position of (S)-2-octyloxy tail on the formation of frustrated blue phase and antiferroelectric phase in Schiff base liquid crystals

C. Huang, C. Hsu, L. Chen and Y. Cheng, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 9343 DOI: 10.1039/C4SM01829J

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