Issue 104, 2014

Measuring the adhesion strength of a thin film to a substrate by centrifugation


This paper describes a centrifugation-based method of quantifying the adhesion strength of a thin film to a substrate. Normally thin films possess extremely small mass, and the centrifugal force cannot dislodge the thin films from the substrates even with the most powerful centrifuge. To solve this problem, we synthesized hydrogel particles on top of the thin film. The hydrogel particle was bound to the thin film through covalent bonds. The centrifugal force was therefore substantially increased, and the thin film could be dislodged from the substrate together with the hydrogel particles in a tabletop centrifuge. We validated this method by measuring the adhesion strength of adhesive tape to Teflon and compared it with the pull-off test result. We applied this method to measuring the adhesion strength of a polydopamine (PDA) thin film to Teflon, which has not yet been characterized. The measurement of the PDA adhesion strength would help in studying the mechanism of PDA adhesion and develop stronger PDA adhesive. The centrifugation-based method is simple and applicable to a broad range of thin films and substrates.

Graphical abstract: Measuring the adhesion strength of a thin film to a substrate by centrifugation

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Aug 2014
04 Nov 2014
First published
05 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 60002-60006

Author version available

Measuring the adhesion strength of a thin film to a substrate by centrifugation

L. Wu, H. Feng, D. Guo and B. Zheng, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 60002 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA09010A

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