Issue 12, 2014

A study of electrodepositing Sn–SiC composite coatings with good welding performances


Sn–SiC composite coatings with a good welding performance were electrodeposited in a bath containing 55 g L−1 Sn(CH3SO3)2, 160 g L−1 methyl sulfonic acid (MSA), 10 mg L−1 OP-21, 30 g L−1 SiC nano-particles and 50 mg L−1 sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), at an inclination angle of the plating tank θ of 45°, a temperature of 20 °C and a cathode–current density of 3 A dm−2 for 15 minutes. The incorporation of SiC nano-particles in the Sn deposits refines the crystalline grains. The solder spreading performance and Sn whiskers of the Sn–SiC coatings composited with 1.0–2.3 wt% SiC are better and smaller than that of the pure Sn coating, respectively. Only when the intercalation of SiC nano-particles into the Sn grain boundary is firm and homogeneous could coatings with a good welding performance be obtained.

Graphical abstract: A study of electrodepositing Sn–SiC composite coatings with good welding performances

Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2013
15 Nov 2013
First published
20 Nov 2013

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 5853-5859

A study of electrodepositing Sn–SiC composite coatings with good welding performances

X. Li, J. Zhang, P. Yang and M. An, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 5853 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA42742K

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