Issue 21, 2014

Local defect-induced red-shift of cathodoluminescence in individual ZnS nanobelts


The luminescence of semiconductor nanostructures is strongly dependent on their size, dimensions, morphology, composition, or defects, and their band emissions can be properly and selectively tailored through the rational manipulation of these parameters during material growth. Using spatially-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, monochromatic contrast maps and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, an obvious red-shift of the near-band-edge emission of wurtzite ZnS nanobelts, resulting from a strip of stacking faults or a zinc-blende phase with tens of atomic layers in width, has been observed and its related mechanism has been discussed. This finding is not specific to the defect-dependent optical properties tailoring of ZnS nanostructures and represents a general validity for clarifying the mechanism of peak-shift (band-gap expansion or shrinking) of a wide range of semiconductor nanostructures with various defects. In addition, the general formation mechanism of the belt-like nanostructure was proposed based on precise microstructure analyses on a ZnS nanobelt with atomic terrace growth fronts.

Graphical abstract: Local defect-induced red-shift of cathodoluminescence in individual ZnS nanobelts

Article information

Article type
04 Aug 2014
27 Aug 2014
First published
02 Sep 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 12414-12420

Author version available

Local defect-induced red-shift of cathodoluminescence in individual ZnS nanobelts

B. D. Liu, B. Yang, B. Dierre, T. Sekiguchi and X. Jiang, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 12414 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR04464A

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