Issue 17, 2014

p-Type dopant incorporation and surface charge properties of catalyst-free GaN nanowires revealed by micro-Raman scattering and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


Micro-Raman scattering and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were employed to investigate Mg-doped GaN nanowires. With the increase of Mg doping level, pronounced Mg-induced local vibrational modes were observed. The evolution of longitudinal optical phonon–plasmon coupled mode, together with detailed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies, show that the near-surface region of nanowires can be transformed from weakly n-type to p-type with the increase of Mg doping.

Graphical abstract: p-Type dopant incorporation and surface charge properties of catalyst-free GaN nanowires revealed by micro-Raman scattering and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Article information

Article type
24 Mar 2014
07 Jul 2014
First published
10 Jul 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 9970-9976

p-Type dopant incorporation and surface charge properties of catalyst-free GaN nanowires revealed by micro-Raman scattering and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Q. Wang, X. Liu, M. G. Kibria, S. Zhao, H. P. T. Nguyen, K. H. Li, Z. Mi, T. Gonzalez and M. P. Andrews, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 9970 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR01608D

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