Issue 9, 2014

Enhancing the mechanical properties of BN nanosheet–polymer composites by uniaxial drawing


We have used liquid exfoliation of hexagonal Boron-Nitride (BN) to prepare composites of BN nanosheets of three different sizes in polyvinylchloride matrices. These composites show low levels of reinforcement, consistent with poor alignment of the nanosheets as-described by a modified version of Halpin–Tsai theory. However, drawing of the composites to 300% strain results in a considerable increase in mechanical properties with the maximum composite modulus and strength both ∼×3 higher than that of the pristine polymer. In addition, the rate of increase of modulus with BN volume fraction was up to 3-fold larger than for the unstrained composites. This is higher than can be explained by drawing-induced alignment using Halpin–Tsai theory. However, the data was consistent with a combination of alignment and strain-induced de-aggregation of BN multilayers.

Graphical abstract: Enhancing the mechanical properties of BN nanosheet–polymer composites by uniaxial drawing

Article information

Article type
18 Dec 2013
16 Mar 2014
First published
19 Mar 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 4889-4895

Enhancing the mechanical properties of BN nanosheet–polymer composites by uniaxial drawing

R. Jan, P. May, A. P. Bell, A. Habib, U. Khan and J. N. Coleman, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 4889 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR06711D

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