Issue 12, 2014

Photothermal effect for localized desorption of primary lymphocytes arrayed on an antibody/DNA-based biochip


This work proposes a miniaturized system able to perform multiple cell capture followed by cell-type selective release from a biochip surface. Unlabelled lymphocytes were first specifically captured onto a DNA array by antibody–DNA conjugates. The immobilized cells were subsequently released under spatiotemporal control within local heating generated by intense Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) produced by laser illumination.

Graphical abstract: Photothermal effect for localized desorption of primary lymphocytes arrayed on an antibody/DNA-based biochip

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Mar 2014
25 Mar 2014
First published
25 Mar 2014

Lab Chip, 2014,14, 1987-1990

Photothermal effect for localized desorption of primary lymphocytes arrayed on an antibody/DNA-based biochip

L. Leroy, R. Bombera, E. Engel, R. Calemczuk, L. Laplatine, D. R. Baganizi, P. N. Marche, Y. Roupioz and T. Livache, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 1987 DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00336E

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