Issue 8, 2014

Fast magnetic isolation of simple sequence repeat markers in microfluidic channels


Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are widely used for genome mapping, genetic diversity characterization and medical diagnosis. The fast isolation by AFLP of sequence containing repeats (FIASCO) is a powerful method for SSR marker isolation, but it is laborious, costly, and time consuming and requires multiple rounds of washing. Here, we report a superparamagnetic bead (SPMB)-based FIASCO method in a magnetic field controllable microfluidic chip (MFCM-Chip). This method dramatically reduces the assay time by 4.25-fold and reduces the quantity of magnetic beads and probes by 10-fold through the magnetic capture of (AG)n-containing fragments from Herba Leonuri, followed by washing and eluting on a microchip. The feasibility of this method was further evaluated by PCR and sequencing, and the results showed that the proportion of fragments containing SSRs was 89%, confirming that this platform is a fast and efficient method for SSR marker isolation. This cost-effective platform will make the powerful FIASCO technique more accessible for routine use with a wide variety of materials.

Graphical abstract: Fast magnetic isolation of simple sequence repeat markers in microfluidic channels

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Technical Innovation
11 Dec 2013
06 Feb 2014
First published
06 Feb 2014

Lab Chip, 2014,14, 1410-1414

Author version available

Fast magnetic isolation of simple sequence repeat markers in microfluidic channels

S. He, X. Yu, X. Wang, J. Tan, S. Yan, P. Wang, B. Huang, Z. Zhang and L. Li, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 1410 DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51371H

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