Patterns and source analysis for atmospheric mercury at Auchencorth Moss, Scotland
Gaseous elemental (GEM), particulate bound (PBM) and gaseous oxidised (GOM) mercury species were monitored between 2009 and 2011 at the rural monitoring site, Auchencorth Moss, Scotland using the Tekran speciation monitoring system. GEM average for the three year period was 1.40 ± 0.19 ng m−3 which is comparable with other northern hemisphere studies. PBM and GOM concentrations are very low in 2009 and 2010 with geometric mean (×/÷ standard deviation) PBM values of 2.56 (×/÷ 3.44) and 0.03 (×/÷ 17.72) pg m−3 and geometric mean (×/÷ standard deviation) GOM values of 0.11 (×/÷ 4.94) and 0.09 (×/÷ 8.88) pg m−3 respectively. Using wind sector analysis and air mass back trajectories, the importance of local and regional sources on speciated mercury are investigated and we show the long range contribution to GEM from continental Europe, and that the lowest levels are associated with polar and marine air masses from the north west sector.