Issue 31, 2014

Oxygen content, crystal structure and chemical expansion of PrBaCo2−xFexO6−δ double perovskites


PrBaCo2−xFexO6−δ (x = 0–0.6) double perovskites were shown to have a tetragonal P4/mmm structure in air over the complete temperature range investigated despite the oxygen content reaching a threshold value of 5.5 at temperatures from 850 °C for x = 0 up to 1078 °C for x = 0.6. However the P4/mmmPmmm structure transition was found to occur in PrBaCo2O6−δ under reducing conditions at temperatures from 500 °C at pO2 = 10−3 atm down to 350 °C at pO2 = 10−4 atm. The lattice chemical expansion along the a-axis and contraction along the c-axis, with decreasing oxygen content, 6 − δ, were found to completely compensate each other in the double perovskites and, therefore, their volume chemical expansion became negligible. As a result the cell volume linearly increases with temperature contrary to simple cubic perovskites.

Graphical abstract: Oxygen content, crystal structure and chemical expansion of PrBaCo2−xFexO6−δ double perovskites

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Article information

Article type
20 Mar 2014
16 May 2014
First published
16 May 2014

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 11862-11866

Author version available

Oxygen content, crystal structure and chemical expansion of PrBaCo2−xFexO6−δ double perovskites

D. S. Tsvetkov, I. L. Ivanov, D. A. Malyshkin and A. Yu. Zuev, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 11862 DOI: 10.1039/C4DT00847B

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