Issue 6, 2014

Bacteriophages: biosensing tools for multi-drug resistant pathogens


Pathogen detection is of utmost importance in many sectors, such as in the food industry, environmental quality control, clinical diagnostics, bio-defence and counter-terrorism. Failure to appropriately, and specifically, detect pathogenic bacteria can lead to serious consequences, and may ultimately be lethal. Public safety, new legislation, recent outbreaks in food contamination, and the ever-increasing prevalence of multidrug-resistant infections have fostered a worldwide research effort targeting novel biosensing strategies. This review concerns phage-based analytical and biosensing methods targeted towards theranostic applications. We discuss and review phage-based assays, notably phage amplification, reporter phage, phage lysis, and bioluminescence assays for the detection of bacterial species, as well as phage-based biosensors, including optical (comprising SPR sensors and fiber optic assays), electrochemical (comprising amperometric, potentiometric, and impedimetric sensors), acoustic wave and magnetoelastic sensors.

Graphical abstract: Bacteriophages: biosensing tools for multi-drug resistant pathogens

Article information

Article type
22 Oct 2013
08 Jan 2014
First published
08 Jan 2014

Analyst, 2014,139, 1224-1236

Bacteriophages: biosensing tools for multi-drug resistant pathogens

N. Tawil, E. Sacher, R. Mandeville and M. Meunier, Analyst, 2014, 139, 1224 DOI: 10.1039/C3AN01989F

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