Issue 34, 2013

Nematic order on a deformable vesicle: theory and simulation


In membranes with nematic liquid-crystalline order, there is a geometric coupling between the nematic director and the shape: nonuniformity in the director induces curvature, and curvature provides an effective potential acting on the director. For a closed vesicle, there must be a total topological charge of +2, which normally occurs as four defects of charge +1/2 each. Previous research has suggested that these four defects will form a regular tetrahedron, leading to a tetrahedral shape of the vesicle, which may be useful in designing colloidal particles for photonic applications. Here, we use three approaches to investigate the behavior of a nematic vesicle: particle-based simulation, spherical harmonic expansion, and finite-element modeling. When liquid crystal has a purely 2D intrinsic interaction, we find that the perfect tetrahedral shape is stable over a wide range of parameters. However, when it has a 3D intrinsic and extrinsic interaction, the perfect tetrahedral shape is never stable; the vesicle is a distorted tetrahedron for small Frank constant and a highly elongated rectangle for larger Frank constant. These results show the difficulty in designing tetrahedral structures for photonic crystals.

Graphical abstract: Nematic order on a deformable vesicle: theory and simulation

Article information

Article type
15 Feb 2013
10 Jun 2013
First published
11 Jun 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 8314-8326

Nematic order on a deformable vesicle: theory and simulation

T. Nguyen, J. Geng, R. L. B. Selinger and J. V. Selinger, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 8314 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM50489A

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