Issue 12, 2013

Dynamics, crystallization and structures in colloid spin coating


Spin coating is an out-of-equilibrium technique for producing polymer films and colloidal crystals quickly and reproducibly. In this review, we present an overview of theoretical and experimental studies of the spin coating of colloidal suspensions. The dynamics of the spin coating process is discussed first, and we present insights from both theory and experiment. A key difference between spin coating with polymer solutions and with monodisperse colloidal suspensions is the emergence of long range (centimeter scale) orientational correlations in the latter. We discuss experiments in different physical regimes that shed light on the many unusual partially ordered structures that have long-range orientational order, but no long-range translational order. The nature of these structures can be tailored by adding electric or magnetic fields during the spin coating procedure. These partially ordered structures can be considered as model systems for studying the fundamentals of poorly crystalline and defect-rich solids, and they can also serve as templates for patterned and/or porous optical and magnetic materials.

Graphical abstract: Dynamics, crystallization and structures in colloid spin coating

Article information

Article type
Review Article
24 Oct 2012
14 Jan 2013
First published
28 Jan 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 3220-3229

Dynamics, crystallization and structures in colloid spin coating

M. Pichumani, P. Bagheri, K. M. Poduska, W. González-Viñas and A. Yethiraj, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 3220 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM27455A

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