Effect of ionic liquids on the conformation of a porphyrin-based viscometer†
Structure of the cationic and anionic counterparts of
* Corresponding authors
Department of Chemistry, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129, USA
Fax: +1 817 257 5851
Tel: +1 817 257 6218
b Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA
Fax: +1 307 766-2807
Tel: +1 307 766-4330
Structure of the cationic and anionic counterparts of
L. P. Jameson, J. D. Kimball, Z. Gryczynski, M. Balaz and S. V. Dzyuba, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 18300 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA43001D
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