Issue 3, 2013

Heterogenisation of ketonecatalysts within mesoporous supports for asymmetric epoxidation


The synthesis of the first mesoporous silica (150 Å) anchored carbohydrate-derived chiral ketone is described. This new heterogeneous catalyst has been shown to be effective in the asymmetric epoxidation of olefins by oxone. The heterogeneous ketone catalyst has comparable activity to that of its homogeneous counterpart and returned enantioselectivities up to 90% e.e.

Graphical abstract: Heterogenisation of ketone catalysts within mesoporous supports for asymmetric epoxidation

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Article information

Article type
16 Aug 2012
30 Oct 2012
First published
29 Nov 2012
This article is Open Access

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 843-850

Heterogenisation of ketone catalysts within mesoporous supports for asymmetric epoxidation

L. J. Brown, R. C. D. Brown and R. Raja, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 843 DOI: 10.1039/C2RA21837B

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