Issue 16, 2013

Dual thermo- and photo-responsive micelles based on miktoarm star polymers


We report the synthesis and characterization of three novel azobenzene-containing miktoarm star polymers AB3 (Mn = 14 800, ĐM = 1.22, Mn = 17 400, ĐM = 1.10 and Mn = 26 200, ĐM = 1.12) as well as their self-assembly properties in water. The three polymers are composed of an azopolymer and three identical arms of poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide) (PDEAA), featuring thermo-responsive properties. By carefully selecting the polymerization degree of PDEAA, and consequently the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio, a specific miktoarm polymer has been identified that forms stable micelles in water as is clearly revealed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In addition, the thermo- and photo-responsive properties of the polymeric micelles in water were investigated. Encapsulation of Nile Red was probed via fluorescence spectroscopy as well as its release from the loaded probes triggered by UV irradiation, which causes a trans-to-cis isomerisation of the azobenzene moieties.

Graphical abstract: Dual thermo- and photo-responsive micelles based on miktoarm star polymers

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Article information

Article type
06 May 2013
02 Jun 2013
First published
03 Jun 2013

Polym. Chem., 2013,4, 4506-4514

Dual thermo- and photo-responsive micelles based on miktoarm star polymers

E. Blasco, B. V. K. J. Schmidt, C. Barner-Kowollik, M. Piñol and L. Oriol, Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 4506 DOI: 10.1039/C3PY00576C

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