Issue 9, 2013

Graphene oxide as a facile acid catalyst for the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural


Graphene oxide obtained by the Hummers method was discovered to be an efficient and recyclable acid catalyst for the conversion of fructose-based biopolymers into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural (EMF). EMF yields of 92%, 71%, 34% and 66% were achieved when 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), fructose, sucrose and inulin were used as starting materials, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Graphene oxide as a facile acid catalyst for the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural

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Article information

Article type
09 Jun 2013
17 Jul 2013
First published
17 Jul 2013

Green Chem., 2013,15, 2379-2383

Graphene oxide as a facile acid catalyst for the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural

H. Wang, T. Deng, Y. Wang, X. Cui, Y. Qi, X. Mu, X. Hou and Y. Zhu, Green Chem., 2013, 15, 2379 DOI: 10.1039/C3GC41109E

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