Issue 6, 2013

Tailoring nanohybrids and nanocomposites for catalytic applications


Research on and development of inorganic–organic nanohybrids and nanocomposite materials has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Synthetic strategies for such materials vary from grafting or co-condensation of Si and C sources to the impregnation of silica with polymers. Nanohybrids, prepared using organosilanes, and nanocomposites, obtained by hard or soft templated synthesis, are discussed. Various strategies will be presented that demonstrate how additional carbon properties can be exploited maximising the activity, selectivity and stability of composite materials as solid catalysts. Composite materials allow for the extensive engineering of a catalyst enabling careful tuning of the type, amount and position of active sites, as well as the porosity and hydrophilic nature of the final catalyst. These materials not only combine the advantages of silica (e.g. thermal stability, rigidity, ordering) and carbon (e.g. flexibility, ductility) but also allow their synergetic action in various catalytic applications.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring nanohybrids and nanocomposites for catalytic applications

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
31 Dec 2012
28 Mar 2013
First published
02 Apr 2013

Green Chem., 2013,15, 1398-1430

Tailoring nanohybrids and nanocomposites for catalytic applications

F. de Clippel, M. Dusselier, S. Van de Vyver, L. Peng, P. A. Jacobs and B. F. Sels, Green Chem., 2013, 15, 1398 DOI: 10.1039/C3GC37141G

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