Issue 3, 2013

Selective carbon–carbon bond formation: terpenylations of amines involving hydrogen transfers


The well-defined ruthenium(II) complex A featuring a phosphine sulfonate chelate promotes the introduction of terpene moieties onto cyclic saturated amines through hydrogen “auto” transfers without side alkene reduction. These eco-friendly transformations enable the production of diverse N- and C-terpenoid alkaloids with only water and carbon dioxide as benign side products.

Graphical abstract: Selective carbon–carbon bond formation: terpenylations of amines involving hydrogen transfers

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Article information

Article type
07 Dec 2012
14 Jan 2013
First published
16 Jan 2013

Green Chem., 2013,15, 775-779

Selective carbon–carbon bond formation: terpenylations of amines involving hydrogen transfers

Z. Sahli, B. Sundararaju, M. Achard and C. Bruneau, Green Chem., 2013, 15, 775 DOI: 10.1039/C3GC36982J

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