Issue 10, 2013

Electrochemistry for biofuel generation: production of furans by electrocatalytic hydrogenation of furfurals


The electrochemical conversion of furfural to 2-methylfuran (MF) and of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) to 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) by means of a room-temperature electrocatalytic hydrogenation is presented. This is the first time that the electrochemical conversion of 5-HMF to 2,5-dimethylfuran is demonstrated, and it is the first time that the electrochemical conversion of furfural to methylfuran is achieved at high selectivity. The electrochemical hydrogenation may provide a path for the storage of electric energy into liquid organic fuels.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemistry for biofuel generation: production of furans by electrocatalytic hydrogenation of furfurals

Article information

Article type
31 May 2013
05 Aug 2013
First published
06 Aug 2013

Energy Environ. Sci., 2013,6, 2925-2931

Electrochemistry for biofuel generation: production of furans by electrocatalytic hydrogenation of furfurals

P. Nilges and U. Schröder, Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 2925 DOI: 10.1039/C3EE41857J

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