Issue 2, 2013

Ni2O3–Au+ hybrid active sites on NiOx@Au ensembles for low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of alcohols


An interesting ensemble of NiOx@Au (i.e. 20–30 nm gold particles partially covered with very small NiOx segments) were clearly identified to be highly active for the low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of alcohols. On such active NiOx@Au ensembles, large amounts of Ni2O3–Au+ hybrid active sites were defined, taking a step closer to identifying the low-temperature activity. By their nature, Ni2O3 specimens not only promote the formation of Au+ ions and stabilize them but also act as an oxygen supplier to transfer oxygen species onto the Au+ sites to react with alcohol.

Graphical abstract: Ni2O3–Au+ hybrid active sites on NiOx@Au ensembles for low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of alcohols

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Article information

Article type
17 Aug 2012
18 Oct 2012
First published
22 Oct 2012

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 404-408

Ni2O3–Au+ hybrid active sites on NiOx@Au ensembles for low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of alcohols

G. Zhao, H. Hu, W. Chen, Z. Jiang, S. Zhang, J. Huang and Y. Lu, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 404 DOI: 10.1039/C2CY20579C

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