Issue 38, 2013

Entropies of defect formation in ceria from first principles


We calculate entropies of formation for fully charged point defects, including the small polaron Image ID:c3cp51913a-t1.gif, in undoped fluorite-structured ceria by means of density functional theory in the GGA + U approximation. We discuss the behaviour of the entropy for the constant volume and the constant pressure case. Our results for constant pressure (p = 0) suggest that the change in volume, due to the formation of defects, dominates the entropy of formation. From the individual entropies of formation the entropies of Frenkel, anti-Frenkel and Schottky disorder as well as the entropy of reduction of ceria are obtained. At temperatures of about 1000 K the entropic contributions to the Gibbs energy are up to 0.9 eV per defect and thus are no longer negligible. For our calculated entropy of reduction of about 17 kB we find a remarkable agreement with experimental data from the literature.

Graphical abstract: Entropies of defect formation in ceria from first principles

Article information

Article type
06 May 2013
10 Jul 2013
First published
10 Jul 2013

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013,15, 15935-15942

Entropies of defect formation in ceria from first principles

S. Grieshammer, T. Zacherle and M. Martin, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 15935 DOI: 10.1039/C3CP51913A

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