Issue 20, 2013

In-situ observations of flux growth of NaTaO3 crystals on tantalum substrate


The growth of NaTaO3 crystals through the reaction between NaNO3 and a Ta substrate was directly observed using in-situ laser microscopy and in-situ X-ray diffraction. Voids and creases were first produced at ∼430 °C and then NaTaO3 crystals grew at ∼440 °C in a moment. Because the NaTaO3 crystals had formed during heating, the driving force for crystal growth was concluded to be the evaporation of NaNO3.

Graphical abstract: In-situ observations of flux growth of NaTaO3 crystals on tantalum substrate

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Article information

Article type
22 Feb 2013
25 Mar 2013
First published
25 Mar 2013

CrystEngComm, 2013,15, 4058-4061

In-situ observations of flux growth of NaTaO3 crystals on tantalum substrate

S. Suzuki, K. Teshima, S. Maruyama, Y. Matsumoto, K. Domen and S. Oishi, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 4058 DOI: 10.1039/C3CE40330K

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