Issue 29, 2013

Organo-Ru supported sandwich-type tungstoarsenates: synthesis, structure and catalytic properties


Five organo-Ru supported sandwich-type 17-tungsto-2-arsenates [{B-α-AsW9O33(OH)}{B-β-AsW8O30(OH)}{M4(OH)2(H2O)2}{(RuC6H6)3}]6− (M = NiII, 1; ZnII, 2; CuII, 3; MnII, 4; CoII, 5) have been synthesized by reacting the salts of the corresponding transitional metals with [(RuC6H6)AsW9O34]7− in sodium acetate solutions at pH 6.0. The synthetic method is different from the previously reported transition metal-derivatives. We instead used the organo-Ru functional lacunary species [(RuC6H6)AsW9O34]7− as the starting material. The salts of 1–5 were characterized by powder XRD, IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The structures of 1 and 2 have been solved by single-crystal XRD, comprising a rhomblike (M4O16) group sandwiched between two different lacunary Keggin moieties, [B-α-AsW9O34]9− and [B-β-AsW8O31]9−, leading to the asymmetric sandwich-type frameworks, to which three (RuC6H6) units are grafted via Ru–O–W, Ru–O–M and Ru–O–M(W) bonds. Most importantly, the salts of 1–5 show high catalytic activities towards the oxidation of n-hexadecane with air without any additives and solvents. Comparing with the catalytic activities of the corresponding transition metals salts of [As2W18M4(H2O)2O68]10− (M = NiII, 6; ZnII, 7; CuII, 8; MnII, 9; CoII, 10) and their precursors [AsW9O34]9− (11) and [(RuC6H6)AsW9O34]7− (12), the synergistic effect of Ru and transition metal ions in the compounds leads to the enhanced catalytic properties.

Graphical abstract: Organo-Ru supported sandwich-type tungstoarsenates: synthesis, structure and catalytic properties

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Article information

Article type
09 Jan 2013
16 Apr 2013
First published
19 Apr 2013

CrystEngComm, 2013,15, 5867-5876

Organo-Ru supported sandwich-type tungstoarsenates: synthesis, structure and catalytic properties

R. Meng, L. Suo, G. Hou, J. Liang, L. Bi, H. Li and L. Wu, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 5867 DOI: 10.1039/C3CE00045A

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