Issue 4, 2013

Efficient total analyses for bromine type flame retardants by simple NICI-GC/MS


We studied an efficient analytical method for detecting brominated aromatic compounds using negative ion chemical ionization (NICI), with well-known quadruple gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (GC/MS). We utilized 79 and 35 m/z as monitoring ions of brominated compounds and syringe-spiked PCB#209, thus highly selective and sensitive detection was achieved. With 7.0 m long HP-5 GC column, decabromo-diphenyl ether (DBDE), hexabromobenzene, α-hexabromo cyclododecane (α-HBCD), and tetrabromo bisphenol A were utilized as bromine type flame retardants that are generally consumed in industrial commodities. A shorter column provided more efficient results without degradation of DBDE on GC which are usually observed with longer column (30 m). Also, pseudo environmental water samples can be analyzed without authentic pretreatment procedures. Furthermore, we demonstrated analyses for members regulated by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances. Consequently, the newly developed simple NICI-GC/MS method was effectively worked for screening of flame retardants in a short period of time.

Graphical abstract: Efficient total analyses for bromine type flame retardants by simple NICI-GC/MS

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Article information

Article type
04 Sep 2012
09 Nov 2012
First published
14 Nov 2012

Anal. Methods, 2013,5, 866-873

Efficient total analyses for bromine type flame retardants by simple NICI-GC/MS

A. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, T. Sato, Y. Kitahara, S. Amita, M. Mori, S. Suzuki, K. Otsuka and K. Hosoya, Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 866 DOI: 10.1039/C2AY25983D

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