Issue 26, 2012

A pH-sensitive macro- and nanohydrogel constructed from cationic hydroxyl-containing hyperbranched polycarbonate


The present study reported a pH-sensitive hydrogel constructed from a cationic hyperbranched polycarbonate, namely poly(EHDO-co-ADMC), functionalized with many hydroxyl and amine groups. The selective solubility of this hyperbranched polymer permitted the fabrication of corresponding nanoparticles/nanohydrogels of around 169 nm through a simple dialysis method. By using Nile Red dye as a model, the experimental results suggested the structural stability of the nanohydrogel in a neutral pH environment, and adumbrated its potential use as a delivery carrier for poorly water-soluble drugs. The nanohydrogel morphology presented a fast pH-responsive change across a narrow pH range from 7.4 to 6.6. This nanohydrogel shows promising potential in the application of controlled drug delivery.

Graphical abstract: A pH-sensitive macro- and nanohydrogel constructed from cationic hydroxyl-containing hyperbranched polycarbonate

Article information

Article type
07 Feb 2012
20 Apr 2012
First published
24 May 2012

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 6906-6912

A pH-sensitive macro- and nanohydrogel constructed from cationic hydroxyl-containing hyperbranched polycarbonate

H. Jia, H. Wang, C. Liu, C. Li, J. Yang, X. Xu, J. Feng, X. Zhang and R. Zhuo, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 6906 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM25280E

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