Issue 11, 2012

Electro-colloidal lithography: a versatile approach combining colloidal particles and electrical fields for the fabrication of patterned polymer and metal films


We report a new soft lithography approach which only requires colloidal particles and tension generators. This process, named electro-colloidal lithography, is based on the behavior of colloidal assemblies submitted to electric fields generated by alternative current (AC) and direct current (DC). Its advantages are its low cost, fastness and easiness. As an illustration, hexagonal arrays of metal nano-rings, and hexagonal arrays of conductive holes into a contiguous or particle-made polymer matrix were produced. We show how to control separately and finely both the inter-structure separation and the structure morphology (diameter, height, thickness) in a very simple manner. Commercial colloidal particles (polystyrene beads) and synthesized colloidal particles (surfactant-made multilamellar vesicles) were both successfully tested for surface patterning showing the universality/adaptability of this technique.

Graphical abstract: Electro-colloidal lithography: a versatile approach combining colloidal particles and electrical fields for the fabrication of patterned polymer and metal films

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Article information

Article type
12 Dec 2011
27 Jan 2012
First published
07 Feb 2012

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 3053-3057

Electro-colloidal lithography: a versatile approach combining colloidal particles and electrical fields for the fabrication of patterned polymer and metal films

D. Bazin and C. Faure, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 3053 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM07343A

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