Issue 4, 2012

Collapse and coacervation of a lamellar phase by inter-headgroup bridging


We report the collapse of an electrostatically swollen surfactant lamellar phase above a critical concentration of an added nonionic surfactant due to hydrogen bonding between the two types of headgroups. At still higher concentrations of the neutral surfactant a temperature-driven lamellar to coacervate transition is observed. Small-angle X-ray diffraction pattern of the coacervate can be modeled as arising from bilayers with short-range positional correlations, whereas cryo-scanning electron microscopy images show bilayer-like features riddled with pores. Very similar behavior is found when the nonionic polyoxyethylene alkyl ether surfactant is replaced by polyethylene glycol of sufficiently high molecular weight.

Graphical abstract: Collapse and coacervation of a lamellar phase by inter-headgroup bridging

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Article information

Article type
23 Sep 2011
28 Nov 2011
First published
08 Dec 2011

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 927-930

Collapse and coacervation of a lamellar phase by inter-headgroup bridging

A. Pal, P. Bharath, S. G. Dastidar and V. A. Raghunathan, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 927 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM06817F

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