Issue 1, 2012

Developing asymmetric iron and ruthenium-based cyclone complexes; complex factors influence the asymmetric induction in the transfer hydrogenation of ketones


The preparation of a range of asymmetric iron and ruthenium-cyclone complexes, and their application to the asymmetric reduction of a ketone, are described. The enantioselectivity of ketone reduction is influenced by a single chiral centre in the catalyst, as well as by the planar chirality in the catalyst. This represents the first example of asymmetric ketone reduction using an iron cyclone catalyst.

Graphical abstract: Developing asymmetric iron and ruthenium-based cyclone complexes; complex factors influence the asymmetric induction in the transfer hydrogenation of ketones

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Article information

Article type
24 Jun 2011
01 Sep 2011
First published
01 Sep 2011

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012,10, 134-145

Developing asymmetric iron and ruthenium-based cyclone complexes; complex factors influence the asymmetric induction in the transfer hydrogenation of ketones

J. P. Hopewell, J. E. D. Martins, T. C. Johnson, J. Godfrey and M. Wills, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 134 DOI: 10.1039/C1OB06010D

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