Issue 14, 2012

Water-soluble Au25(Capt)18 nanoclusters: synthesis, thermal stability, and optical properties


This work was motivated by the unsatisfactory stability of Au25(SG)18 in solution under thermal conditions (e.g. 70–90 °C for DNA melting). Thus, we searched for a better, water-soluble thiol ligand. Herein, we report a one-pot synthesis and investigation of the stability and optical properties of captopril (abbreviated Capt)-protected Au25(Capt)18 nanoclusters. The Au25(Capt)18 (anionic, counterion: Na+) nanoclusters were formed via size focusing under ambient conditions. Significantly, Au25(Capt)18 nanoclusters exhibit largely improved thermal stability compared to the glutathione (HSG) capped Au25(SG)18. Both Au25(Capt)18 and Au25(SG)18 nanoclusters show fluorescence centered at ∼700 nm. The chiral ligands (Capt, SG, as well as chirally modified phenylethanethiol (PET*)) give rise to distinct chiroptical features. The high thermal stability and distinct optical properties of Au25(Capt)18 nanoclusters render this material quite promising for biological applications.

Graphical abstract: Water-soluble Au25(Capt)18 nanoclusters: synthesis, thermal stability, and optical properties

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Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2012
06 Jun 2012
First published
15 Jun 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 4222-4227

Water-soluble Au25(Capt)18 nanoclusters: synthesis, thermal stability, and optical properties

S. Kumar and R. Jin, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 4222 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR30833A

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