Issue 13, 2012

Layer-stacked tin disulfidenanorods in silica nanoreactors with improved lithium storage capabilities


A new structure of layered materials, layer-stacked nanorod, has been fabricated through an entirely new template-engaged structural transformation methodology. The formation of layer-stacked hexagonal tin disulfide (SnS2) nanorods has been demonstrated as an example by using tetragonal tin (Sn) nanorods as sacrificing templates and silica (SiO2) as nanoreactors. In addition, the structural transformation process probably involves the formation of orthorhombic tin sulfide (SnS) nanorods as an intermediate product. The rod-like morphology and single-crystal feature of the Sn templates are well preserved in both SnS2 and SnS products due to the nanoscale confinement in silica. Owing to its unique structural characteristics, the SnS2–SiO2 nanorod anode exhibits excellent capacity retention and improved rate capability, facilitating its application in lithium ion batteries with long cycle life and high power density.

Graphical abstract: Layer-stacked tin disulfide nanorods in silica nanoreactors with improved lithium storage capabilities

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Mar 2012
09 May 2012
First published
11 May 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 4002-4006

Layer-stacked tin disulfide nanorods in silica nanoreactors with improved lithium storage capabilities

P. Wu, N. Du, H. Zhang, J. Liu, L. Chang, L. Wang, D. Yang and J. Jiang, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 4002 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR30559C

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