Issue 5, 2012

Hybridization in nanostructured DNA monolayers probed by AFM: theory versus experiment


Nanografted monolayers (NAMs) of DNA show novel physico-chemical properties that make them ideally suited for advanced biosensing applications. In comparison with alternative solid-phase techniques for diagnostic DNA detection, NAMs have the advantage of combining a small size with a high homogeneity of the DNA surface coverage. These two properties favour the extreme miniaturization and ultrasensitivity in high-throughput biosensing devices. The systematic use of NAMs for quantitative DNA (and protein) detection has so far suffered from the lack of a control on key fabrication parameters, such as the ss- or ds-DNA surface coverage. Here we report on a combined experimental–computational study that allows us to estimate the surface density of the grafted DNA by analyzing the sample mechanical response, that is the DNA patch height vs. applied tip load curves. It is shown that the same analysis scheme can be used to detect the occurrence of hybridization with complementary strands in solution and estimate its efficiency. Thanks to these quantitative relationships it is possible to use a single AFM-based setup to: (i) fabricate a DNA NAM, (ii) control the DNA surface coverage, and (iii) characterize its level of hybridization helping the design of NAMs with pre-determined fabrication parameters.

Graphical abstract: Hybridization in nanostructured DNA monolayers probed by AFM: theory versus experiment

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Article information

Article type
04 Nov 2011
16 Dec 2011
First published
20 Dec 2011

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 1734-1741

Hybridization in nanostructured DNA monolayers probed by AFM: theory versus experiment

A. Bosco, F. Bano, P. Parisse, L. Casalis, A. DeSimone and C. Micheletti, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 1734 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR11662F

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