Issue 11, 2012

A donor–acceptor–donor (D–A–D) molecule based on 3-alkoxy-4-cyanothiophene and dithienopyrrole units as active material for organic solar cells


A symmetrical donor–acceptor–donor D–A–D system built by connecting two dithienopyrrole donor blocks to a central electron acceptor obtained by dimerization of 3-alkoxy-4-cyano-thiophene has been synthesized and characterized. The compound combines a high photoluminescence efficiency with a broad absorption spectrum in the solid state and a band gap of 1.70 eV. A preliminary evaluation of the potentialities of this type of compound as donor material in bulk heterojunction solar cells using PC61BM as electron acceptor is presented.

Graphical abstract: A donor–acceptor–donor (D–A–D) molecule based on 3-alkoxy-4-cyanothiophene and dithienopyrrole units as active material for organic solar cells

Article information

Article type
18 Jun 2012
10 Sep 2012
First published
11 Sep 2012

New J. Chem., 2012,36, 2412-2416

A donor–acceptor–donor (D–A–D) molecule based on 3-alkoxy-4-cyanothiophene and dithienopyrrole units as active material for organic solar cells

A. Yassin, G. Savitha, P. Leriche, P. Frère and J. Roncali, New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 2412 DOI: 10.1039/C2NJ40513J

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