Issue 21, 2012

Seed particle-enabled acoustic trapping of bacteria and nanoparticles in continuous flow systems


Acoustic trapping of sub-micron particles can allow enrichment and purification of small-sized and low-abundance microorganisms. In this paper, we investigate the dependency of the ability to capture sub-micron particles on the particle concentration. Based on the findings, it is demonstrated that seed particles can be introduced to acoustic trapping, to enable capture of low-abundance sub-micron particles. Without using seed particles, continuous enrichment of 490 nm polystyrene particles is demonstrated in a rectangular capillary with a locally generated acoustic field at high particle concentrations, i.e. above 1% wt. Trapping of sub-micron particles at significantly lower concentrations was subsequently accomplished by seeding 10–12 micrometer-sized particles in the acoustic trap prior to the sub-micron particle capture. Furthermore, the new seeded-particle-aided acoustic trapping technique was employed for the continuous enrichment of bacteria (E. coli) with a capture efficiency of 95%. Finally, seed particle assisted acoustic trapping and enrichment is demonstrated for polymer-based particles down to 110 nm in diameter.

Graphical abstract: Seed particle-enabled acoustic trapping of bacteria and nanoparticles in continuous flow systems

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Jun 2012
06 Aug 2012
First published
09 Aug 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 4296-4304

Seed particle-enabled acoustic trapping of bacteria and nanoparticles in continuous flow systems

B. Hammarström, T. Laurell and J. Nilsson, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 4296 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40697G

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