Issue 19, 2012

Optofluidic variable-focus lenses for light manipulation


This paper presents a planar optofluidic lens for light manipulation utilizing a combination of optofluidic biconvex lens with micromixer. Three light manipulation techniques including tunable optical diverging, collimating and focusing are realized by altering the refractive index of the optofluidic variable-focus lenses formed by solid polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) walls and tunable liquid lens body. The optical power from the laser input can be increased or decreased with the tuning of the variable-focus lenses' refractive indexes. The optical power adjustment capabilities are demonstrated and characterized. The combinations of benefits of all lens' optical manipulation capabilities, greater mechanical stability, significant increase of optofluidic device's life time and seamless integration with other lab-on-a-chip functionalities provide a promising and versatile optofluidic compartment to integrate with lab-on-a-chip excitation and sensing applications. Optofluidic lens-including system for tunable fluorescence sensing is demonstrated showing 186% increase in detected fluorescence intensity.

Graphical abstract: Optofluidic variable-focus lenses for light manipulation

Article information

Article type
27 Apr 2012
27 Jul 2012
First published
30 Jul 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 3810-3815

Optofluidic variable-focus lenses for light manipulation

Y. C. Seow, S. P. Lim and H. P. Lee, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 3810 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40415J

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