Issue 15, 2012

Engineering and analysis of surface interactions in a microfluidic herringbone micromixer


We developed a computational model and theoretical framework to investigate the geometrical optimization of particle-surface interactions in a herringbone micromixer. The enhancement of biomolecule- and particle-surface interactions in microfluidic devices through mixing and streamline disruption holds promise for a variety of applications. This analysis provides guidelines for optimizing the frequency and specific location of surface interactions based on the flow pattern and relative hydraulic resistance between a groove and the effective channel. The channel bottom, i.e., channel surface between grooves, was identified as the dominant location for surface contact. In addition, geometries that decrease the groove-to-channel hydraulic resistance improve contact with the channel top. Thus, herringbone mixers appear useful for a variety of surface-interaction applications, yet they have largely not been employed in an optimized fashion.

Graphical abstract: Engineering and analysis of surface interactions in a microfluidic herringbone micromixer

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Technical Innovation
13 Apr 2012
16 May 2012
First published
18 May 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 2634-2637

Engineering and analysis of surface interactions in a microfluidic herringbone micromixer

T. P. Forbes and J. G. Kralj, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 2634 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40356K

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