Issue 37, 2012

Si/Si–O–C composite anode materials exhibiting good C rate performances prepared by a sol–gel method


Si/Si–O–C composite materials with nano-silicons uniformly distributed in an amorphous Si–O–C matrix are prepared using a sol–gel method. The resulting materials exhibit a large initial coulombic efficiency of 78%, and deliver a capacity of 715.9 mA h g−1 after 30 cycles at 3900 mA g−1. The high capacity originates from lithium storage in nanosilicons and the Si–O–C matrix, and the excellent C-rate performances are related to the buffering of the Si–O–C matrix.

Graphical abstract: Si/Si–O–C composite anode materials exhibiting good C rate performances prepared by a sol–gel method

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Jun 2012
29 Jul 2012
First published
01 Aug 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 19621-19624

Si/Si–O–C composite anode materials exhibiting good C rate performances prepared by a sol–gel method

X. Liu, K. Xie, J. Wang, C. Zheng and Y. Pan, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 19621 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM34011A

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