Volume 155, 2012

Formation of a long-lived electron-transfer state of a naphthalene–quinolinium ion dyad and the π-dimer radical cation


An electron donor–quinolinium ion dyad, 2-phenyl-4-(1-naphthyl)quinolinium ion (QuPh+–NA), has been synthesized based on a rational design. The X-ray crystal structure of QuPh+–NA indicates that the dihedral angle between the NA and QuPh+ moieties of QuPh+–NA is nearly perpendicular. The one-electron reduction potential (Ered) was observed as a well-defined reversible wave at −0.90 V versusSCE. The one-electron reduced species (QuPh˙–NA) was detected by ESR. The electron self-exchange rate constant (kex) between QuPh+–NA and QuPh˙–NA has been determined from the ESR linewidth alternation. The reorganization energy (λ) of the electron self-exchange was determined to be 0.42 eV from the kex value. Femtosecond laser irradiation of QuPh+–NA at 355 nm results in formation of the ET state (QuPh˙–NA˙+) within 0.5 ps via photoinduced ET from NA to the singlet-excited state of QuPh+. The transient absorption bands at 420 nm and 700 nm are assigned to the QuPh˙ and NA˙+ moieties, respectively. The nanosecond laser excitation of QuPh+–NA affords the broad absorption band at 1000 nm and is due to the π-dimer radical cation formed between QuPh˙–NA˙+ and QuPh+–NA. The intramolecular back electron-transfer process was too slow to compete with the intermolecular back electron-transfer reaction judging from the decay time profile of QuPh˙–NA˙+, which obeyed second-order kinetics.

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Article information

Article type
27 Apr 2011
01 Jun 2011
First published
06 Jul 2011

Faraday Discuss., 2012,155, 89-102

Formation of a long-lived electron-transfer state of a naphthalene–quinolinium ion dyad and the π-dimer radical cation

H. Kotani, K. Ohkubo and S. Fukuzumi, Faraday Discuss., 2012, 155, 89 DOI: 10.1039/C1FD00084E

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